July 3, 2024

Breaking: Titans fans are disappointed with Jim Wyatt answers to their questions

We’ve made it to the end of January.

The Titans have a new head coach, and now the draft prep picks up with the start of the Senior Bowl.

The questions/comments into the mailbag continue to flow in.

Let’s open up another batch…

Matthew Goss from Liverpool, United Kingdom
Question: Big Titan fan here. I have paid close attention to the American media since Mike Vrabel was fired. It amazes me how outspoken some have been about how terrible the firing of Mike Vrabel was (Mike Florio in particular). I can’t understand that when Vrabel has gone what, 6-20 something over the last two seasons. They were saying how he would get a new job in 2 seconds. Well, 2 seconds seems to be up and no job. Also, what about him going to New England during the season and basically saying how much better it is there than in Nashville? If I was Amy, I would have told him to stay there where things are great and never come back to Nashville where he thinks things are so bad.. Kudos to Amy for sending him packing. And about this Mike Florio guy, I saw a You Tube video where he criticized Coach Callahan for wearing a suit at his introductory press conference! He said coach Mayo from New England was better because he wore a sweatshirt or something. I am sure he also does not think Coach Callahan was a good choice because he does not use the right fork when he eats! I mean, give me a break! What a joke this Florio guy is. He clearly has an axe of some kind to grind. I can’t wait for the Titans to make everyone eat their words! Have a great week Jim!

Jim: You’re coming in hot from Liverpool, Matthew! Good to hear from you. Have a big week!

Terry Anderson from Glasgow, Kentucky
Question: Hello Jim hope all is well. I’m super excited about the hiring of Brian Callahan. Feel like everything he has said so far has been very professional and very positive. I enjoyed the press conference and enjoyed the questions about the offensive line’s inability to protect the quarterback or provide consistent running lanes. I really liked coach’s answer. Protection is holistic offense problem not just the line. Some of the radio guys were saying they weren’t sure about that answer. I believe it’s a very professional answer because the last thing you want is have that position group pulling against you before you can get on the field and practice. I am excited for our line guys to hear different voices and be taught differently. I know you have been covering sports for years and I am interested in your perspective on a different voice working with the pieces that are already in place. Not every player in the locker room will mesh with the new vision I know, but in your experience covering the Titans what is your feeling of the new guy?

Jim: Hi Terry. Well we can all agree the Titans need to be better up-front. Getting the issues fixed on the offensive line will be one of Coach Callahan’s top priorities, I’m sure. As for the new voice, let me say out of the gate next year’s team is going to look a lot different. There’s always lots of turnover, and that will be the case for the 2024 team as well. Coach Callahan made a great impression on everyone last week, and I’m sure he’ll do the same with the players. Things will be different, from the personnel to the coaching staff to the message to the way guys are taught. But the NFL is all about adapting, and I feel good about things moving forward.

Brian Hester from Manchester, Tennessee
Question: Hey Jim, I love following you on twitter and reading these mail bags. You have been such a major part of my fandom for my entire life.
When I was in school in the late 90’s- 00’s I use to get a copy of the Tennessean from a few teachers EVERY day and I would feverishly read the sports section and Titans news 2-3x over.
The youngsters won’t remember but that was pre-unlimited internet access where an abundance of news was then introduced to the world so you had to read the paper for Titans news. So I literally counted on you to provide me with every morsel of Titans news possible.
So I was wondering if you could give a quick autobiography type answer time-lining your career in short.
I remember being sad when you left the paper (in 2015 I think) but glad you are here now. The Titans don’t have anything listed under your bio from what I can tell on the website. I just would love to hear about your career briefly. Again thank you for all you do!

Jim: Hey Brian. I appreciate you following, and reading, all these years. When I was growing up, I used to read The Tennessean regularly myself. I appreciate you asking about my career, so here’s a quick trip down memory lane: My intro to sports writing started when I began writing for the school newspaper, The Daily Beacon, in my final semester in college at UT-Knoxville. When I got out of school, I started working at The Tennessean in 1990 as a part-timer, answering the phone, taking bowling scores, hole-in-ones, high school sports results, etc. I got my first byline in 1991 when I covered The Tennessean Regatta sailboat race at Old Hickory Lake. I did a lot of general assignment reporting, Nashville Sounds games, high school sports, college sports, the Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration, car racing at the Nashville Fairgrounds, more sailboat races, etc, for the paper for 6-7 years while working part-time, anywhere from 20-40 hours a week working weeknights and weekends while also having a full-time job from 8 am-4:25 pm M-F at a place called the ‘Register of Deeds’ (where property deeds, mortgages, tax liens, etc. are recorded) in the courthouse in Nashville. (Yes, it was a lot of combined hours). Back in 1997 I was hired full-time at The Tennessean, covering high school sports, and more general assignment reporting. After the two professional teams came to town, I started covering the Titans and Predators for The Tennessean in 1999, and I did both for a few seasons. I became the Titans beat writer in 2001. All told, I covered the Titans for the paper from 1999 until the summer of 2015, when I left to join the Titans, and I’m fortunately I’m still here, banging out there mailbags. It’s hard to believe, but 2024 will be my 10th season with the team. Time has sure flown by…

Jeremy Whitson from Bristol, Tennessee
Question: Hey Jim, first time writer here. I am beyond excited for the future of the franchise. I got a question if you know, is Nissan Stadium going to be torn down to make room for the new stadium? Also I would love to see Tee Higgins with the Titans always been a fan of his. Titan Up!

Jim: Hey Jeremy. Nissan Stadium will eventually be torn down, but not until the new stadium is completed. Groundbreaking for the new Nissan Stadium is scheduled for the end of next month, and it’s slated to open for the 2027 season. Hopefully I’m still around then.

Don Jones from Mount Juliet, Tennessee
Question: Hey Jim. I want to win. OF COURSE. But most interestingly to me…I want to see a coach…coach. Not just on the practice field, but in a game. Even if you lose because your guys got outplayed, having a coach make adjustments in the game. Think on the run. Game plan with detail, but part of that game plan is ready to catch an opposing defense off guard…keep ’em guessing. Keep them PLAYING THE GAME. Those teams are fun to watch and one gets to witness a coach…coach. That’s how I’m envisioning Callahan…and I think, too, that kind of three steps ahead youthful coaching is why this carousel has been so unpredictable and interesting. It makes the future of the NFL feel fresh and exciting. Even for an older codger like myself. TITAN UP!

Jim: I hear ya, Don!

Ray Turner from McEwen, Tennessee
Question: Jim. Very excited about our new Head Coach and his vision. Also looking forward to the development of Will Levis. Know it’s early but my question deals with the backup QB. Never been a fan of Malik Willis and wondered if you have an opinion on what direction the team may take.

Jim: Lots of things to be excited about, Ray. As for Willis, it kind of expect to see him in training camp, competing. But heading into year three, there are no guarantees.

Gayle Hase from Carrabelle, Florida
Question: Good morning, Jim. Since I am basically ignorant on the subject, I’m going to wait a while before judging the quality of the Titan’s new head coach. Personally, I am much more interested in seeing if anything is done to address what I see as the major problem, the absence of a quality offensive line. Will the Titans waste another quarterback talent by refusing the protection needed to learn the game? Maybe another trip down the “new offense every season” path. Much is to be learned from now through the draft. Will they respect a quality talent like Derrick Henry? Or toss him in the used talent pile. With all their cap room will any plays be made for free agent talent? I suspect there are quality guards and tackles available. Or will they spend a bunch on a wide receiver and forgo the need to protect a quarterback so there is time to deliver the ball? There is much to be learned in the next few months. I for one will stay tuned.

Jim: Hi Gayle. You raise some fair questions. Time will tell on a lot of these.

Tommy Henley from Cookeville, Tennessee
Question: Hello Jim. Aagain always thankful for your time, an work you put forth for us fans of the Titan Nation, so let’s start with a question or two. Do you know where we stand at the 2024 1st round pick? And I want to say, that I’m a true blue Titan fan an I also always have FAITH, what Mrs Amy, an Ran have for the future for Tennessee Titans, I’m hoping for a coach that knows all 3 phases of the game, one that the players will trust an buy into the winning culture this team desperately needs, Jim how many scouts do they have that looks deep into college players? If they read these mail bags, guys please find this team some good heart and soul football players. So thanks again Jim hope to hear some answers.

Jim: Hey Tommy. The only thing I can tell you with certainty about the first round pick is the Titans are currently scheduled to pick seventh overall (and even this can change). Here’s the first mock draft roundup, where 20 analyst give an opinion on what they think the Titans will do: CLICK HERE.

Steven Tilton from Safford, Arizona
Question: Hi Jim, haven’t written in a while but I always appreciate the mailbag and the work and patience you put into it! My question, born of ignorance, involves the scouting situation for the Titans. I know you are not a ‘scout’ or ‘coach’, but you’ve been around the league long enough I figured you’d have an answer of some kind. I always imagined scouts, working under the GM, targeting and doing homework on players that fit the head coach’s vision for the team. With a coaching change, does this change our scouting strategies? Or is scouting a bit more universal than I imagined and not really driven by a coach’s preferences?
I guess another way to put it would be, does this head coaching change negate much of our scouting work this past college season?

Jim: Good question, Steven. I’ll say this: I think GM Ran Carthon is looking for a certain type of player, on and off the field. While Coach Callahan will have a different scheme and new ideas, he’ll be on the same page with Ran moving forward. Some former players won’t fit, while others will. But the scouting department has always looked for good football players, and the process for this year’s draft is just heating up with the Senior Bowl upon us, and the NFL Combine, pro days and pre-draft visits on the horizon.

John Drago from Western Kentucky
Question: Jim, first off thank you for all you do for us as fans and for the Titans. Im a long time fan I was born in Houston Tx. and we where all Oilers fans my dad made sure of that. When they went to Tn I had already moved to KY and I never stopped being a fan from Oilers to Titans. I know big changes are coming and I’m not mad about the new head coach they have vison for the team I want to see where it goes. But I hate to think of the impact on the Fan base would be if Henry was no longer with us, what do you think? For myself I bleed titans blue and will never stop being a fan no matter what. I seen a lot of ppl shrug off the titans bc of recent changes but to all the TRUE fans thank you we stick together through everything. Thank you JIM

Jim: Hey John. I know a lot of folks who feel the same way about Derrick Henry. It’s still early in the offseason, and a lot of things need to play out. There are just too many unknowns right now.

Heather Mims from Columbus, Ohio
Question: Hello Jim How are you it’s Been A Minute since the last time I was on here my thoughts on the New Coach Brian Callahan was the Right Choice I been saying this for a long time that we need a New Head coach for the Titans ever since the former coach is No longer as Head coach Now we had a rough year with Mike Vrabel for what He Did to the Titans It wasn’t good enough He also executed the Team players sure did and they trying to make it to the superbowl and win the superbowl the Titans did win Back to Back AFC SOUTH CHAMPS ever since then everything has been falling Down and not getting Back up the Last year’s Record was 7-10 this Past season was 6-11 it was embarrassing for the Titans History I am Disastified with Vrabel and Fed up with Him
I been a Fan with the Titans since 2015 going on 9 years of this year Now Into the New Life Has Come Coach Brian Callahan He is No stranger to the Titans I have seen him While I was watching the game against the Titans while He was the OC at Cincinnati Bengals
I am so Happy Right Now We are Now got A New Head coach for the Tennessee Titans what a good Feelings Yes! Also I am Happy for Amy Strunk Adams Ran carthon and Chad Brinker for working Together and finding the Right person to coach for the Titans Thank you team for Doing a great job on searching for a New Head coach for the Titans
this is our Year! Yes it is and the Titans is going to win it all Now I have a question for you Jim is that Did coach Callahan said He’s going to Resigned Derrick Henry? I wanted to make sure is that true can you please send a message to the New coach tell him that I said congratulations as New Head coach let’s get To work thank you Jim I really appreciate it

Jim: Good to hear from you, Heather!

Have a great week everyone!

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